£50.00 GBP

5 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

By booking onto our class, either full payment, booking fee, you are agreeing to our terms & conditions.

You agree that all payments are non refundable but transferable to another date/payment.

If paying via payment plan you reserve to right to cancel at any time - but the above still applies.

Any information supplied or techniques taught, including our signature class layouits and themes  but not limited to, cannot be sold on or taught elsewhere, or used to carry out your own training or teaching to a third party.




Viva El Verano - LONG LIVE THE SUMMER! We will be creating show stopping luxe floral decor

Classy and elegnant sailboard and shimmer wall styling and finishing it all with an INSANE organic piece to truly solidify your technique!

As well as luxury picnic table styling complete with Vase floral decor

If you want to learn how to style unforgettable events - this one is for you!